Like other vendors, Radware provides virtual versions of its products. Unlikemany other vendors, Radware provides an awesome installer that guides you through a wizard and sets all VM parameters; unfortunately for GNS3 users.
It’s 1 AM when you get a call from the installation team who’s been working on a new server for hours, stating that the server is configured, the technician is at the console, but they can’t reach remote locations.
“It’s fine to have a backup link, but normally it’s not used and we’re paying a lot for it; could you send our file storage’s replication traffic through it?
“It’s fine to have a backup link, but normally it’s not used and we’re paying a lot for it; could you send our file storage’s replication traffic through it?
“It’s fine to have a backup link, but normally it’s not used and we’re paying a lot for it; could you send our file storage’s replication traffic through it?