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My First Arista VXLAN EVPN Fabric

I put together my first Arista VXLAN EVPN fabric in GNS3. It is based on the Multi-Tenant EVPN VXLAN IRB Sample Configuration article @ Arista. Although there are some discrepancies (see below), it is still a very valuable source of information.

Automated GNS3 testing environment

Disclaimer: This post is not about network automation for devices in a GNS3 topology. It is about automating the installation of GNS3 itself. Have you ever wanted to try the new features of GNS3 without messing up your fine-tuned production environment where you might test changes in their production network, study for an exam, or just spent too much time setting it up and don’t want to risk ruining it?

Managing GNS3 appliances

Although the GNS3 team makes a lot of effort to keep the appliances up to date,we certainly can’t guarantee that every supported network device’s every release will be included.

I am GNS3A certified!

Today, I became a GNS3 Certified Associate (if it had a serial number, that would be Nr.1 😄)! The exam was great, covering most of the GNS3 features and networking in general:

Please let Dynamips go!

Being the first well-known network device virtualization software, Dynamips is widely used for network labs. In fact, it’s so fixed in people’s awareness that they still think GNS3 = Dynamips, which was the case with GNS3 version 0.

Running GNS3 on Scaleway

I mentioned in the “Sizing your computer…” post that you can run your GNS3 remotely in the cloud. The two bare metal providers were Packet and Scaleway.