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Accessing AWS console with Azure AD credentials

It is possible to use AAD as an authentication source for users accessing the AWS console. Follow the steps described here, and you won’t need to maintain two authentication sources.

Cheatsheet: Public Cloud VPN parameters

I recently had to do some POC’s with many public cloud providers and I needed VPN tunnels between my environment and them. The basic concept is the same but those pesky little details can cause headaches when someone’s trying to find a solution that works with all (or at least most) of the providers.

Azure puts FortiGate's port1 to the outside subnet

When I shoot up labs with FortiGate firewalls in my local environment, I usually connect port1 to the inside because it allows access (PING, HTTP(S), SSH, FMGR) by default; in other words all the other ports are protected with factory default settings.

Running GNS3 on Scaleway

I mentioned in the “Sizing your computer…” post that you can run your GNS3 remotely in the cloud. The two bare metal providers were Packet and Scaleway.

Sizing your computer for GNS3 (and other network labs)

After getting familiar with GNS3 on an average PC, people typically realize the virtual network devices eat up their computer’s resources and an upgrade is unavoidable.

OTC Client Packages

The Open Telekom Cloud is an offering from Deutsche Telekom for “Software as a Service (SaaS)” and cloud infrastructure solutions (IaaS, PaaS). OTC enables companies of every size to have access to numerous business applications and state-of-the-art cloud infrastructures.