Andras Dosztal
Andras Dosztal
Network architect
Jul 24, 2018 2 min read

Demystifying vCloud Director VPN peer settings

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At a first glance, the site to site VPN peer settings of VMware’s vCloud Director looks confusing; there’s no clear separation of the IPSec phases, some of the IKE parameters are missing, etc. I’ll clear the picture in this article.

First of all, you can only create route-based VPN (“tunnel” action can’t be set in the FW policies) but you can’t create a Virtual Tunnel Interface (VTI; this will be important later).

Now let’s see how the VPN peer settings look like:

NSX Edge VPN in vCloud

In these settings:

  • Local Id & Endpoint: the IP address of the NSX Edge gateway comes to these settings.
  • Local / Peer subnets: Since you can’t create a VTI and use static/dynamic routing, you have to specify the subnets for each side here (i.e. you can’t just set on both sides). On the other hand, you should do some summarization to avoid creating numerous P2 proposals on the other end (e.g. for 4-4 subnets on each side, you’ll need to create 16 (!) P2 proposals on a FortiGate).
  • Encryption Algorithm applies to both Phase 1 and 2.
  • You can’t select a hash algorithm, it’s fixed SHA1.
  • Also, you can’t change lifetime settings, their fixed values are 28.800s for Phase 1 and 3.600s for Phase 2.
  • The DH group applies to Phase 1 as well as to PFS.
  • The rest is obvious. 😄